

White Paper on textile waste management

Clúster Català de la Moda (Modacc)

Modacc has drawn up, on behalf of Acte Europa, the White paper on the management of textile waste, a collection of good examples and successful collaborations throughout Europe. Waste management can be an extraordinary challenge, as it also brings several opportunities. ACTE's fashion and textile industries now bring you a collection of good examples and successful collaborations across Europe.

The White paper shows how modern textile waste management can be done within three specific areas and with 4 different perspectives:

  • Waste collection
  • Classification of waste
  • Public awareness
  • Valorization

It is an essential tool to achieve a climate-neutral European textile and fashion industry by 2050. The main objective of this project is to provide municipalities with knowledge on best practices related to domestic textile waste. This is important since the management of textile waste is mandatory for municipalities from 2025.

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