

SUITSUBEST: Reinforcement learning for the optimization of marketing strategies

Clúster Català de la Moda (Modacc)

Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a Machine Learning technique that allows a computer agent to devise effective strategies based on experimentation with data to perform a task through trial-and-error interactions with a dynamic environment. In marketing, RL can offer new possibilities to optimise customer acquisition, conversion and loyalty strategies. ML can help tailor the message, channel and timing of communication to the preferences and behaviour of each user, thereby increasing the personalisation and relevance of campaigns.

The SuitsUbest project is an industrial research project that aims to investigate, design and test an RL algorithm in fashion marketing. The aim is to obtain a prototype to validate whether marketing strategies can be optimised, thereby maximising sales.

SuitsUbest is led by Clúster Digital, and co-lead by AIS GroupSimorra, MODACC and FHIOS

The project is funded by the Ministry ofIndustry, Trade and Tourism through the support programme of Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras.

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